
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th September 2023 08:12:45 Hours

Army Weight-Lifters Win All-Island Championship

Sri Lanka Army weight-lifters won the overall National Championship (men’s) at the recent All-Island Shakthi Weight-Lifting Tournament, held on Saturday (09 September) at Wadduwa Vijaya Kumarathunga auditorium, beating ten more rival teams.

Accordingly, Sri Lanka Army participants in (66kg), (93 kg) and (120 kg) secured 3 Gold medals. Sergeant R.D.C.K Rajapaksha of 6 Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineering won the award as the Best Weight-Lifter.

Corporal R.M.S.S Rathnayake and Private K.T Vimantha in 105 kg and 120 kg categories respectively won Gold medals in the same tournament. Private H.A.S.S Hettiarachchi, Lance Corporal W.V.S.C Jayarathne won 2 silver medals while Corporal D.S.C Ramanayake won the bronze medal.