
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 12/1/2004

Army Special Forces Grab Tae Kwon do Championship

Special Forces of the Sri Lanka Army, true to their widely recognized talents in the field of warfare and elsewhere, marked a new record on Tuesday (30) when they were adjudged the Champions in the Inter-Regiment Tae Kwon Do Championship – 2004 (Novices) division, held at Army Headquarters grounds.

Final rounds that followed the Awards Ceremony of the Army Inter-Regiment Tae Kwon Do Championship-2004, organized by the Army Tae Kwon Do Committee for the third consecutive year under the guidance of Brigadier K. S Fernando, Chairman Army Tae Kwon Do Committee drew a large gathering of martial arts enthusiasts and military personnel. This year's event was conducted under three divisions; Sri Lanka Army Novices' Championship, Inter Unit Women's Championship and Inter Regiment Championship.

Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC) emerged runners-up in the Novices' Championship but it was the 5th Regiment of Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps (SLAWC) who emerged the winners in the women's division. The second place went to 4 SLAWC who also displayed an impressive show.

Army Tae Kwon Do players on several occasions showed their colours at many a competition organized at national level. In the recent past, Army team qualified themselves to take part in international competitions held in Malaysia and Germany. The final Championship pursued the series of Tae Kwon Do sessions that were held on 26, 27 and 28 November 2004 at Army Physical Training School in Panagoda before the finals got under way.

Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Sarath Fonseka graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Minister of Korean Embassy, Mr. Gilu Won, Representatives from Korean International Cooperation Agency, Mr Kim Byung, Chaiman Korean Businessmen's Association, Eum Kyung Ho, Chairman Sri Lanka Tae Kwon Do Association Mr. Upali Goonawardane, Chairman Sri Lanka Army Tae Kwon Do Committee, Brigadier K S Fernando and Senior Army Officers were among those who witnessed the final meet at Army Headquarters grounds.

In view of the significance of the event, an exchange of mementoes between Deputy Chief of Staff of Sri Lanka Army Major General Sarath Fonseka and Korean Diplomats took place afterwards. Adding more importance to the occasion, a letter of commendation was also presented to Army Tae Kwon Do Coach, Master Ki Su Lee for his dedication in the training of the Army Tae Kwon Do athletes. Award of prizes and certificates to the winners followed a cultural show, thrown by Korean expatriates living in Sri Lanka.