
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

18th October 2022 09:25:36 Hours

Army HQ Opens Its State-of-the-Art Library Facility of International Standards

The Sri Lanka Army Headquarters embodying the core philosophy of learning and sharing of knowledge and expertise supplemented it with a long-felt need of an open-source new Library, equipped with modern advances in technological and software library management during a special ceremony, held this morning (17) at the Army Headquarters.

The Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage who was behind the conceptual guidance for establishment of this New Library with more than 9000 volumes and reference materials arrived there for inauguration of this new fountain of knowledge. It was set up in less than 40 days in consultation with the National Library Board of Sri Lanka which was instrumental in introducing the world-renowned ‘Koha’ Library Management System with barcoding and electronic categorizing.

The day’s Chief Guest was welcomed by the Director General General Staff, Major General SUMN Manage WWV RWP RSP psc and the Director of Training, Brigadier DKSK Dolage USP psc upon arrival at the venue.

The inauguration of the new landmark library facility that would provide free access to the KDU e-library as well, was then marked by the Chief Guest unveiling a plaque and cutting a ribbon at the main entrance to the new facility. Soon after its warming, a briefing on the functional aspect of the state-of-the-art new library was presented before the day’s gathering, through which the entire gamut of its administrative aspect was placed before the invitees and future users of the library.

The occasion turned more significant afterwards as the Director General General Staff presented the first Library Membership card to the Head of the Organization, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage and several other Senior Officers, including the Chief of Staff, Major General TJ Kodituwakku RWP RSP ndu and the Commandant, Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Major General DGS Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu. Later on, the Director Training symbolically handed over memberships to all other Senior Officers who were present at the location.

At the same occasion, Mr Udara Wijayasundara, General Manager, MAS Slimtex, impressed with the Army’s initiative in the new Headquarters, gifted a large set of books to the Army library of international standards. His gesture of goodwill was appreciated by the Commander of the Army by awarding a special memento.

Next, Mr Nanda Dharmarathna, Chairman, National Library & Documentation Services Board whose meticulous and expert guidance resulted in the digitalization of the entire functions of the library, introducing ‘Koha’ Library Management System, was highly appreciated by the day’s Chief Guest by presenting a special memento.

After a while, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage and all invitees had a close look inside the new library which saw the light of day, thanks to the collective efforts of the Chief Signal Officer, Directorate of Training, Directorate of Operations, Directorate Information Technology, Directorate of Ordnance Services, Directorate of Supply and Transport, Directorate of Engineer Services, Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Directorate of Maintenance and Management.

The new library facility at Sri Jayawardenepura is open to All Ranks and members of the Civil Staff on service and provides the users with digitalized copies, reference materials, free WiFi access, photocopying, etc and remains open on all five working days of the week.

Prior to the shift of the Army HQ to Battaramulla Sri Jayawardenepura, the Army HQ had its own library with several thousands of volumes and the availability of the new well-equipped facility would certainly help broaden horizons of All Ranks aspire to go up in their career prospects.