01st December 2023 17:44:47 Hours
The awarding ceremony of the Army Inter Regiment Drill and Pace Stick Competition - 2023 took place on Thursday (Nov 30) afternoon at Panagoda Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) Parade Square, headed by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest.
The colourful drill and band squads of different Regiments rending the air with soothing melodies added grandeur and pride to the occasion as a large crowd of spectators and distinguished guests remained glued to the sequence of the ceremony’s proceedings. The competitions were held during from 12 to 23 October in 2023 at Sri Lanka Artillery and Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regimental Parade Squares.
The Inter Regiment Drill and Band Display plus the Pace Stick competition testifies to the high standards of discipline and conduct among members of the Army and is recognized as one of the most attractive and multi-coloured events in the organization.
Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Commander of the Army graced the occasion as the Chief Guest at the invitation of Major General S.R.B Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Adjutant General of the Army and Brigadier K.A.U Kodituwakku RSP USP psc IG, Director Personnel Administration. The whole programme was organized under the guidance of the Adjutant General and the Director, Directorate of Personnel Administration.
The Chief Guest was saluted in a Guard Turnout of the SLLI troops at the entrance before he entered the parade square after he was warmly welcomed. Afterwards, the Army Song reverberated before the gathering observed the customary two-minute silence in remembrance of all fallen War Heroes. Next, the day’s Chief Guest was invited to receive the salute in the ceremonial Guard of Honour, presented by SLLI troops.
After a while, neatly-dressed Army personnel belonging to various Regiments who competed in the event exhibited their amazing skills in drills and band displays in the presence of the spectators amid cheers and applause.
Seconds after the spectacle, the climax of the day’s event reached as the Army Chief was invited to award trophies and prizes to the winners in the competition. Towards the end of the awarding, the Commander extended his best wishes to the achievers and all participants before he sat for a few group photographs. Winners and a large group of excited students from 41 island-wide schools who have been invited to the Army Cantonment to witness the mammoth event enjoyed the rare sight.
Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Overlooking Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General U.D Wijesekera RWP RSP USP rcds psc, Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and invitees witnessed the colourful occasion.
The following Regiments and individuals received awards for their best performances at the Inter Regiment Drill and Pace Stick Competition:
The Best Drill Team - Men’s
1st Place - Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG)
2nd Place - Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI)
3rd Place - Gemunu Watch (GW)
The Best Drill Team - Women’s
1st Place - Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps (SLAWC)
2nd Place - Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP)
The Best Commander - Men’s
1st Place - Captain R.V Kularathna - SLLI
The Best Commander - Women’s
1st Place - Lieutenant D.A.D.N Deerasinghe - SLAWC
The Best Pace Stick Team
1st Place - Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI)
2nd Place - Gemunu Watch (GW)
3rd Place - Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG)
The Best Drill Instructor
1st Place - Warrant Officer II K Premajanthu - SLNG