
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

02nd September 2023 13:38:41 Hours

Army Chief Speaks to Military Policemen & Urges them to Continue their Exceptional Role with Dedication

The Regimental Centre of the Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) at Polhengoda on Friday (01 Sep) laid a red carpet welcome to Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army when he made his first formal visit to the Regimental HQ after he took over as the Army Chief.

The day's Chief Guest was warmly welcomed by Major General A.C.A de Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, Provost Marshal of the Sri Lanka Army and Colonel Commandant of SLCMP, together with Brigadier H.M.S.I Senarath, SLCMP Centre Commandant after he was greeted in a Guard Turnout at the entrance. Subsequently, the Army Chief reviewed the colourful Guard of Honour, presented by SLCMP troops in the parade square and received the salute.

Commencing the day’s agenda, the Commander of the Army posed for a few group photographs with SLCMP troops before he was invited to unveil a statue of Napoleon Bonaparte, a former Emperor of France which was crafted by SLCMP soldiers, erected in front of the parade square as a tribute to his memory. The iconic Emperor revolutionized the military organization and training and left a lasting mark on the institutions of France and of much of western Europe.

Adding memories to the day, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, next planted a mango sapling inside the compound. In addition, he was invited to lay the cornerstone for construction of a new two-storied accommodation building and a new dining hall for the Warrant Officers' and Sergeants’ Mess in the Regimental HQ.

Afterwards, the Army Chief addressed All Ranks in the compound and commended the services of SLCMP troops for their tiring work to keep the disciplinary standards of the organization at its highest level. Moreover, he urged them to continue their exceptional role during these tough times and work as a spirited team for the betterment of the organization.

Towards the end of the troops' address, Major General A.C.A de Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc presented a special memento to Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage as a symbol of memory of his maiden visit to the Provost HQ. The gesture was reciprocated by the Commander of the Army.

The Commander of the Army took time off to interact with the troops during an All Rank tea arrangement. Before his departure, he penned down some complimentary remarks in the visitors' book. Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks of the SLCMP also took part in those events.