23rd April 2024 11:02:42 Hours
Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) arranged a commemoration ceremony in the honour of its fallen War Heroes on 22 April 2024 coinciding with the 136th anniversary celebrations. Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army, graced the occasion as the chief guest, at the invitation of Major General B.K.G.M.L Rodrigo RSP psc IG, the Colonel Commandant of SLA.
The arriving chief guest was greeted in a Guard Turnout and the Colonel Commandant of SLA extended a warm welcome and accompanied him to the monument premises. At the outset, National anthem and Army anthem were recited and the gathering participated in religious observances.
Afterwards, Mounting of Vigil took place and a two-minute silence was observed in remembrance of fallen War Heroes. Moments later, the Commander of the Army together with General C.S Weerasooriya (Rtd) RWP RSP VSV USP ndc IG, a former Commander of the Army, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and family members of fallen War Heroes laid floral wreaths at the SLA War Heroes monument.
Later on, Last Post, the bugle call was played in honour of the fallen War Heroes, followed by the dismounting of vigil which concluded the day’s proceedings.