
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

23rd May 2024 06:40:52 Hours

Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar Calls on the Commander of the Army

Ms Prabashini Ponnamperuma, the newly appointed Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar, paid a courtesy call on the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, on 22 May 2024 before her departure to Myanmar to assume the new appointment.

Ms Prabashini Ponnamperuma, a foreign service officer who joined the Sri Lanka Foreign Services in 2003, is designated as the Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar and is preparing to assume duties shortly. She held the position of Director General (Actg) of the Overseas Assets Management Division from 2021 to 2023 and currently serves as the Director General (Actg) of the Africa Affairs Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo.

During the meeting, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, extended his best wishes for her new appointment and discussed prevailing bilateral relationship and exchange programmes between Sri Lanka and Myanmar. The Army Chief also emphasised the importance of enhancing goodwill and fostering friendly bonds of cooperation.

At the end of the occasion, the Commander presented a memento to the new Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Myanmar.