
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

23rd October 2020 08:08:19 Hours

866 More Confirmed Infected in Past 24 Hrs - NOCPCO

As of this morning (24), a total of 866 more persons were confirmed positive to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. 865 of them were from locally-identified affectees and one was an expatriate from South Korea, states the National Operations Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO).

By 6.00 this morning (24), the total number of COVID-19 positive cases reported from Minuwangoda garment factory stands at 3684. Of them, 1041 are factory employees and other 2643 are locally-identified contacts of those garment factory-infected employees.

The flight QR 668 from Doha, Qatar with 29 passengers has arrived. All of them were sent to tri forces-managed quarantine centres after medical procedures.

Within the day (24), 46 quarantined individuals after PCR tests are set to leave for their homes. Of them, 06 persons are from Nipuna Boossa QC, 06 persons from Rajagiriya Ayurvedic QC, 07 persons from Hotel Gold Sand QC, 02 persons from Hotel Dolphin QC, 22 persons from Horana Teaching Hospital QC and 03 persons from Hotel Green Paradise QC.

To-date, 56,837 individuals have left for homes after quarantining. As of this morning (24), 8,455 persons in 73 tri service-managed QCs are still in quarantine. Within yesterday (23), 8,641 PCR tests were carried out across the country and the total PCR tests conducted so far stands at 423,332.

By 6.00 this morning (24), 83 fully-recovered COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals. 05 of them are expatriates and 78 are identified as close contacts of the Minuwangoda garment factory-infected employees who were in quarantine at QCs. (Ends) Best Nike Sneakers | Air Jordan