
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

20th November 2023 20:26:50 Hours

2 (V) VIR War Heroes' Monument Unveiled

The newly-erected War Heroes' monument of 2 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR) camp was unveiled on 5 November at 2 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment camp premises in Irattaperiyakulam, Vavuniya.

Major General W.P.A.D.W Nanayakkara RSP VSV USP ndu, Commander, Security Forces- Wanni graced the occasion as the chief guest at the invitation of Major R.M.K.B Rathnayake, Commanding Officer 2 (V) Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment.

After the arrival of the Chief Guest, all the invitees joined religious observances in front of the new 2(V) VIR war heroes’ monument. Minutes after the unveiling of the monument, Rana Bera (Warriors' drums), Vigil Mounting drills, a two-minute silence and reading of the citation in honour of 134 War Heroes who made the supreme sacrifice added dignity and honour to the solemn occasion.

General Officer Commanding, 21 Infantry Division Major General I.A.N.B Perera RWP USP ndu psc, Commander 213 Infantry Brigade Commander Brigadier M.K.D.P Mapalagama psc, Senior Officers, Retired Senior Officers, Officers, Retired Officers, Other Ranks and relatives of those 134 fallen war heroes joined the event.