
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

25th June 2021 13:00:39 Hours

111 Brigade Troops Give away Cooked Lunch Packets

Troops of the111 Brigade HQ on Thursday (24) on account of Poson Poya day (24) launched a project to deliver cooked meal packets to the helpless in Gampola area.

Brigadier Rohitha Rathnayake, Commander 111 Brigade along with his team, concerned about the plight of poor civilians, residing in the general areas of Kurunduwatta, Gampola provided those lunch packets.

Mr Kuma Weerasooriya, a renowned entrepreneur in the area sponsored the cost of those dry ration packs. Accordingly, troops reached those selected personnel around Kurunduwatta and offered them those meal packets and water bottles.

Major General Kithsir Liyanage, General Officer Commanding 11 Division has given the green light to this charity project held commemorating Poson full moon Poya day.