
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th February 2024 18:27:07 Hours

100 Army Engineering Officers received Membership of CMETSL

The group of engineering professional Officers serving in the Army got the Membership Certificates and Identity Cards of College of Military Engineering and Technology Sri Lanka (CMETSL) recognizing their invaluable contributions and commitment to advancing military engineering and technology in Sri Lanka on 13 February in a simple ceremony held at Army Headquarters.

Accordingly, 100 groups of engineering qualified Officers belonging to Sri Lanka Army Engineers, Sri Lanka Signal Corps, Engineer Services Regiment and Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers received their esteemed Membership Certificates and Identity Cards from Major General W.H.K.S Peiris RWP RSP VSV USP ndu, Chief of Staff, Major General S.P.A.I.M.B Samarakoon Hdmc Lsc, Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General S.A Kulatunga RWP RSP USP psc, Chief Field Engineer, Major General I.H.M.R.K Herath USP ndc psc, Chief Signal Officer and Brigadier K.L Munasinghe USP, Center Commandant of Engineer Services Regiment.

Military engineering personnel, with vast expertise gained from demanding conditions, possess unparalleled knowledge and skills. Collaboration across services is vital for national goals, enhancing readiness and development. Harmonized working conditions can greatly benefit the professional standards and battle readiness of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces, aiding government projects. The College of Military Engineering and Technology Sri Lanka (CMETSL) is a professional institute within Sri Lanka Army, Navy and Air Force Engineers, established under the Ministry of Defence to achieve such a desirable output. Currently, there are more than 2000 Engineering Officers from the tri-forces have become members, including 736 Army Officers.

Senior Officers and Officers participated in the certificates ceremony.