29th May 2023 17:04:16 Hours
The maiden copy of the booklet, ‘Vishmitha Hela Osuwa’ (Amazing Sinhala Herbal Medicine), authored by Corporal M.T.I.S Bandara of the 3 Special Forces (SF) Regiment who has gathered an in-depth knowledge on medicinal herbs while working in the Special Forces Training School (SFTS)-managed ‘Survival Herbal Garden’ at Maduru Oya was presented to the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu by its author in the presence of Major General D.G.S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army and Colonel of the Regiment of Special Forces on Monday (May 29) morning at the Commander's office, Army HQ.
The product documents and describes about 100 species of medicinal plants, scientific and generic information, ‘Ayurvedic’ value of those plants and the usage of those plants for cure of various diseases, etc. The author, an instructor of 'Survival Escape Evasion and Combat Tracking Course' at SFTS during 2018-2021 continues delivery of his guest lectures on the specific subject as an instructor for several courses conducted by SFTS at present.
The booklet provides guidelines for identification of those herbal plants and the importance of their re-planting as some of the species are threatened with extinction.
The Army Chief impressed with the contents of the book congratulated the author and commended him by presenting a special memento to him at the same time.
The book had been written under the guidance of Major General D.G.S Senarath Yapa RWP RSP ndu, Deputy Chief of Staff and the Colonel of the Regiment, SF, Brigadier R.P.S Prasad RWP RSP, Centre Commandant, SF Regimental HQ and Colonel D.S Horawalawithana WWV RWP RSP, Commandant at SFTS.