
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

223, 232 &;amp; 233 Brigade Troops Give Helping Hand to Civilians

223 Brigade of 22 Division and 233 Brigade of 23 Division under Security Force Headquarters – East (SFHQ-E) jointly assisted a team of devotees, led by Mrs Dhammika Gunaratne of the Presidential Secretariat who visited the Somawathiya temple recently for a religious ceremony.

A Bodhi Pooja conducted by them invoked blessings on the President and all Sri Lankans for two days (Oct 1 – Oct 2). The same team with a sponsorship extended by Mrs Gunaratne and her Japanese friends, distributed school exercise books free of charge among 226 students at Kadawathamaduwa Primary School.

Meanwhile, 8 Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG) troops under 232 Brigade of 23 Division extended their support to drought-affected Madupulthottam villagers in Thoppigala by providing their water bowser for supply of drinking water.