
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

25th April 2022 19:36:24 Hours

West Troops Renovate Abandoned Ward at Divulapitiya

Troops of the 6 Field Regiment Sri Lanka Artillery and troops of the 1 Corps of Engineer Service Regiment of the 141 Brigade as per directions of the Commander, Security Forces - West, Major General Kithsiri Liyanage completed the renovation of the dilapidated COVID 19 ward at the Divulapitiya District Hospital and formally vested it in the hospital authorities on Wednesday (20).

The funds and resources for the entire renovation were provided by MAS Active Nirmana Pvt Ltd considering the value of the project to the people in the area.

Brigadier Pradeep Gamage, Commander, 141 Brigade as the Chief Guest in the company of Mrs S. Lokuge, Director Human Resources and Sustainable Business of MAS Active Nirmana Pvt Ltd attended the formal ceremony for warming of the new ward.

Hospital Director formally accepted the symbolic handover after unveiling of the plaque, erected to this effect and lighting of the traditional oil lamp. The Chief Guest was also invited to plant a sapling inside the hospital compound as a token of memory.

Few Staff Officers of the 141 Brigade, Commanding Officers of 6 Field Regiment Sri Lanka Artillery and 1 Corps of Engineer Service Regiment, representatives of the donor company and several administrators of the hospital took part in the simple ceremony.