
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

24th November 2021 14:54:20 Hours

Villagers Join Troops for ‘Shramadana’

Troops of the 51 Division HQ as per directions given by the SFHQ-J launched a ‘Shramadana’ to rid Dengue breeding mosquitos in the genera areas of Selvapuram and Kopai villages on Tuesday (23) after health authorities warned the people of an outbreak of a Dengue epidemic after a torrential rains.

The project as one more community project in response to a request was supported by over 25 villagers who joined hands with the troops.

The programme was organized under the guidance and blessings of the General Officer Commanding of the 51 Division, Major General Chandana Wickramasinghe and coordinated by the Civil Affair Section of the Division.