
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

06th May 2024 18:54:43 Hours

SLCMP Bids Farewell to Retiring Provost Marshal

The Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) bade a farewell to the outgoing Provost Marshal of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of the SLCMP, Major General A.C.A De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc with military honours and greetings in a formal ceremony held at the Regimental Centre of SLCMP, Polhengoda on 02 May 2024.

Upon his arrival, a Guard Turnout was presented by the troops of SLCMP followed by a Guard of honour, presented at the parade square.

During the formal troops address, the retiring Senior Officer extended his gratitude to the Commander of the Army, Principal Staff Officers of the Army and SLCMP troops for the support extended for him to carry out his duties over the 35 years of his tenure.

Later in the evening, a customary Farewell Mess Night was hosted for the retiring Provost Marshal with the participation of Provost Officers and their spouses. The newly appointed, Provost Marshal, Brigadier R.D Sallay ndc, delivered the farewell speech extending a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation of service of the outgoing Senior Officer.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks of SLCMP also took part in the farewell ceremony.