
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

02nd July 2021 12:00:26 Hours

SLAGSC Troops Initiate Organic Fertilizer Production at Diyatalawa

Troops of 1 Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC) implementing the government’s policy of encouraging organic fertilizer production process in the region has started a project to that effect inside its Diyatalawa detachment on 25 June.

This project, initiated under the guidance of Major General Chandana Handunmulla, Colonel Commandant SLAGSC, Lieutenant Colonel CS Demuni, Commanding Officer 1 SLAGSC is now in progress. Major A.P.D Fonseka of 1 SLAGSC coordinated the project.

This project expects to improve community awareness on the advantages of organic fertilizer and the Army expects to provide technical support to local farmers for production of their own organic fertilizer once their production is made a success.