
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

19th April 2023 20:30:14 Hours

SFHQ-MLT Appreciates Role of Civil Employees

On account of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, troops of the Security Force Headquarters-Mullaitivu (SFHQ-MLT) added their contribution and gave away dry rations packs and gift parcels to 28 civil employees working at the SFHQ- MLT.

Major General U. D Wijesekera RWP RSP USP rcds psc, Commander SF-MLT gave away those gift parcels to the civil employees, appreciative of their contribution to the SFHQ- MLT.

Each beneficiary received Rs 6000/= worth dry rations plus gift parcels, inclusive of clothes. After the distribution programme, a musical entertainment got underway in order to bring amusement to the attendees. Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.