
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

SFHQ - KLN Platoon Commanders Broaden Horizons

Over 300 Platoon Commanders serving the Security Forces Headquarters, Kilinochchi (SFHQ - KLN) with the objective of further improving their knowledge on administration, international humanitarian law, human rights, motivation, legal aspects, discipline standards, criminal law, logistics and personal conduct, followed a full-day workshop training on Saturday (26).

The programme, meant to raise efficiency too, proposed by Major General Crishantha de Silva, Commander, SFHQ - KLN saw above areas of discussion and learning continued throughout the whole day.

Brigadier K.R.P. Rowel, General Officer Commanding, 57 Division conducted the inaugural opening address. Concluding remarks were made by Brigadier General Staff SFHQ - KLN.