
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

18th September 2023 20:00:48 Hours

Provost Marshal Warms Newly-Erected Facility at Diyatalawa 7 SLCMP

Major General A.C.A De Zoysa USP Hdmc Lsc, Provost Marshal of the Sri Lanka Army and the Colonel Commandant of Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police (SLCMP) as the Chief Guest warmed the newly-erected Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess at Diyatalawa 7 SLCMP camp on Wednesday (13 Sep) during a visit to the location.

The simple warming ceremony got to a start with unveiling a plaque to the same effect by the day's Chief Guest. The facility houses all modern technical features inclusive of a spacious dining hall, bar, TV room and a kitchen and several other units. This fulfills a long standing requirement of SLCMP Senior Non Commissioned Officers for a proper facility that meets required professional standards.

Upon his arrival, the Colonel Commandant was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer of 7 SLCMP, Major S.N.K Halangoda USP psc Lsc after he was greeted in a Guard Turnout at the entrance. After a while, he addressed All-Ranks in the premises and stressed the importance of discipline at all levels, maintenance of proper coordination of communication, and continuation of excellent dedicated services.

Adding memories to the day, he planted a sapling in the premises and joined for a few group photographs with the troops. The Commanding Officer of 7 SLCMP, Major S.N.K Halangoda USP psc presented a memento to the visiting SLCMP Colonel Commandant.

The SLCMP Centre Commandant, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the day’s agenda.