
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

New Call Centre, Established at Army Request Offer Employment to Mullaittivu Youths

With the noble objective of raising living standards and providing employment to young men in and around Mullaittivu which some time ago was the hub of terrorist activities, the Security Forces Headquarters - Mullaittivu (SFHQ-MLT), got a Mobitel Call Centre, established in the heart of Mullaittivu town.

Twenty-five qualified young males and females from Mullaittivu against a salary scale of Rs 20,000 - 25,000/= were employed in the new establishment after giving letters of appointment during a ceremony early this month.

Hon Namal Rajapaksa (MP), Chief Guest for the opening, together with Mr Lalith De Silva, Chief Executive Officer, Sri Lanka Mobitel, Major General L.B.R Mark, Commander, SFHQ-MLT and several senior officers, attended the occasion.

Construction of the building was supported by 59 Division troops and Sri Lanka Mobitel sponsored the entire cost.