
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

31st July 2022 15:26:48 Hours

More Commandos Receive Their Graduation at CRTS after Course

07 officers and 256 Commandos who followed the Course No: 49 49 A, 49 B and 49 C at the Commando Regiment Training School (CRTS) in Kudaoya received their graduation on Saturday (30) during a formal ceremony.

Major General Crishantha Gnanarathna, Commander 1 Corps and Colonel of the Regiment, Commando Regiment took part in the ceremony as the chief guest, together with the Commandos Brigade Commander and senior Officers.

Captain M.S.P Rodrigo received the award for the Best Overall Student (Dagger) while Private T.H.K.U Sampath was selected as the Best Shooter. Private K.P.D.R Nirmal meanwhile was awarded as the Best in Physical fitness.

Drill displays, band shows, rappeling shows, real fighting scenes of Commandos, etc showcased were the spectacles, attracted by parents and relatives of those graduates.

During the brief speech, the Colonel of the Regiment extended best wishes to newly graduated Commandos and elaborated on the importance of being a Commando, well committed, highly disciplined and dedicated to the cause.

Brigadier Vijitha Hettiarachchi, Commando Brigade Commander, Brigadier K.K Dharmawardena, Centre Commandant, Commando Regiment, Brigadier K.M.H.S Wickramarathna, Lieutenant Colonel D.M.S.B Dissanayake, Overlooking Commandant, CRTS, Senior Officers, Officers other ranks and well-wishers including parents were associated with the graduation ceremony.