
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

12th June 2018 15:55:49 Hours

More Than 50 Army Personnel Rush to Cyclone-Affected Areas

More than 50 Army personnel of the 1 Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG) under 14 Division during early hours on Monday (11) rushed to cyclone-affected Wewagedara, Elavitagama, Wilakotuwa, Malwana, Horombuwa, Amunugama, Gonagama, Pimbuwellegama, Helawa and Rekawa areas in Wariyapola and Maspotha Divisional Secretariats in Kurunegala and began clearing roads and human settlements while providing immediate relief and first aids to the affected.

During small hours, a fast moving cyclone felled huge trees and damaged a number of houses and buildings blocking some roads and walkways. Troops within hours cleared the areas and helped bring normalcy to those areas with the help of civilians in respective areas.

Meanwhile, 8 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR) troops of 532 Brigade serving under the 53 Division also assisted affected civilians and cleared the roads, houses and others in Maspotha area, Kurunegala after cyclonic winds disrupted normalcy in the area during small hours on Monday (11).

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