
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

22nd August 2018 10:06:47 Hours

MIR Immortalizes Its War Heroes Erecting a Monument

Troops of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment (MIR) giving its due recognition to 1380 of their fallen War Heroes on Monday (20) immortalized their memory by erecting a state-of-the-art War Hero monument at the MIR Regimental Headquarters, Dambulla.

Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake, Commander of the Army at the invitation of MIR Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Kumudu Perera attended the inaugural ceremony as the Chief Guest. He was greeted to a Guard Turn Out on arrival at the main entrance before he was conducted to the parade ground to receive the ceremonial salute, presented in his honour.

A brief address to the MIR troops plus a group photo on the same occasion added importance to the day’s proceedings before the ceremonial monument opening took place. The day’s Chief Guest at the request of the Colonel of the Regiment unveiled the monument and showed his respect to the monument, together with several Senior Officers.

MIR Centre Commandant, Senior Officers and a gathering of Officers and Other Rankers attended the event. Best jordan Sneakers | Nike Off-White