
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 8/26/2004

Manipay cricketers beat other teams

A Cementing bonds of goodwill and co-existence between troops and members of the civil society is certainly a positive step taken in right direction, aimed at fostering relations among civilians that contribute to peace-making in the long run.

Sports in this context are a sound medium which could immensely help deliver the best results. A light cricket tournament that went on for over a month at Manipay Hindu College grounds, comprised twelve local Sports Clubs, two Army teams and one Police team. The tournament finally saw Tholakaral Sports Club in Chunnakam and Union Sports Club at Athankotte emerged as final contenders for the trophy as cricket fans in Jaffna thronged the ground in their hundreds. The whole ground became curious and enthusiastic within minutes as the umpires signaled for the start while the ground looked like a sea of heads. The finalists gave a tough competition as they began to vie for each team's supremacy.

Sports in this context are a sound medium which could immensely help deliver the best results. A light cricket tournament that went on for over a month at Manipay Hindu College grounds, comprised twelve local Sports Clubs, two Army teams and one Police team. The tournament finally saw Tholakaral Sports Club in Chunnakam and Union Sports Club at Athankotte emerged as final contenders for the trophy as cricket fans in Jaffna thronged the ground in their hundreds. The whole ground became curious and enthusiastic within minutes as the umpires signaled for the start while the ground looked like a sea of heads. The finalists gave a tough competition as they began to vie for each team\'s supremacy.