
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

11th June 2020 14:05:24 Hours

Major General Randeniya's Services Commended

Major General Buwaneka Randeniya, Commander, Forward Maintenance Area HQ-East, a proud product of the Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE) on the eve of his retirement from the Army was invited by the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva to his office at the AHQ on Thursday (11) where the latter expressed his appreciation for his dedicated services to the Army.

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva during the brief interaction reminisced memories and shared a few thoughts with the retiring Major General Buwaneka Randeniya who has served a number of key appointments for more than three decades and the SLE in particular.

The outgoing Senior Officer also thanked the Commander of the Army for his wishes and the thoughtfulness. Towards the end, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva awarded a special memento to the retiree as a symbol of appreciation and commendation. The gesture was reciprocated. bridgemedia | Air Jordan