
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Kilinochchi Children Promised A Trip to Colombo

With the financial support of ‘Guna Jaya Sathuta’ Foundation, gift parcels including school accessories and 35 gift vouchers, each worth of Rs 1000/- offered by DSI Private Limited, were distributed among 35 helpless children of Holy Family Convent Women’s and Children’s Home in Uratthipuram, Kilinochchi on Wednesday (12).

During the ceremony, headed by Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Force Headquarters, Kilinochchi (SFHQ-KLN), the children requested they be taken to visit Colombo town that they had never seen before. On the same occasion, Major General Ranasinghe promptly accepted the request and promised them a visit to Colombo area as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, on Thursday (13) Ms Gobi of Vishwamadu, the rehabilitated ex-combatant received a water pump at the SFHQ-KLN premises to develop her domestic cultivations.

Members of ‘Guna Jaya Sathuta’ Foundation and senior officers attended these occasions.