
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

04th July 2019 13:44:33 Hours

Civilians Educated on Apiculture

Intended to promote the practice of bee-keeping as an alternative income-generating domestic industry among civilians, 65 Division Headquarters on the directions of its General Officer Commanding coordinated the conduct of an awareness lecture programme on the subject at Mallavi Central College on Thursday (27).

Messrs Sampath Indika and Tissa Bandara Thambawita from Ceylon Bee Honey (Pvt) Ltd provided lecture assistance on apiculture for 65 Students, 05 Teachers and 04 Army officers who were present in the school. A practical demonstration added weight to the arrangement. bridge media | 【11月発売予定】シュプリーム × ナイキ エアフォース1 全3色 - スニーカーウォーズ