
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

17th January 2022 07:30:53 Hours

CES Troops Commemorate Their 72nd Anniversary Prioritizing Religious Observances

To coincide with the 72nd Anniversary commemoration, troops of the Corps of Engineers Service (CES) joined a series of religious programmes in order to invoke blessings on the CES and its troops.

Prayers and blessings at Jumma Masjid mosque at Hanwella, Mayurapathi Hindu Temple at Wellawatta, Christ Church at Pannipitiya and an all-night Pirith chanting ceremony at the Regimental HQ invoked blessings on CES personnel and transferred merits to all fallen CES War Heroes.

Brigadier K.M.S Kumara, Colonel Commandant of the CES and Director Engineer Services, CES Centre Commandant and few limited All Ranks, adhering to health guidelines participated in those arrangements.

On the anniversary (6th January), CES war heroes were remembered and troops offered a military salute in a Guard Turnout to the Colonel Commandant, Brigadier K.M.S Kumara on his arrival at the location and invited him to plant a sapling in the compound before all of them sat for a group photograph.