
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

04th July 2022 16:55:47 Hours

Australian Defence Attaché Pays Courtesies

Captain Ian Cain, Defence Adviser for the High Commission of Australia in Colombo this morning (4) called on the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage at the Army Headquarters and paid courtesies.

After a warm welcome, both of them discussed general matters, related to defence cooperation between members of the Sri Lanka Army and Armed Forces of Australia.

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage thanked the visiting envoy for his own initiatives in the sphere of military training and the general support being made available by the Armed Forces in Australia.

Towards the end of the cordial meeting, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, symbolized the goodwill that prevails between both organizations by awarding a special memento to the Australian envoy.