
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Area Headquarters Join Celebrating Army Day

SECURITY FORCES Headquarters, Divisions and Brigades across the country had their own parallel 60th Anniversary commemorative ceremonies at respective locations on the Army Day (10) itself.       

The Jaffna 51 Division headquarters conducted a community work (Shramadana) in order to clean the Jaffna hospital surroundings on 9th October 2009. The following day’s ceremony gave pride of place to the Commander’s message and a tree planting campaign.

A large number of officers and soldiers including Divisional Commander of the 51 Division and the Brigade Commander of 511 Brigade were present on those occasions.

Meanwhile, a number of programmes were organized by the Brigades and units that come under 51 Division to mark the Army 60th Anniversary. One of them was the tree planting campaign organized by the 511 Brigade Headquarters on Army Day (10). The 7th battalion of the Gajabha Regiment donated a newly constructed house to a poor family in Punnaleikadduvan village, the same day.

To coincide with the Army Day, 14th battalion of Gemunu Watch donated a new house to a poor family on V.H. Lane in Irupalai on 10th October. They also donated a tube-well for the use of the students at Skandhavel Mixed School in Wasanthapuram and provided them with refreshments on the same day.

The 9th, 10th and 11th battalions of Sri Lanka National Guard Battalion meanwhile organized several events including distribution of one hundred lunch packets among children in Arulavinnai Children’s Home, another one hundred lunch packets among poor people in Manipay area, cleaning of Puththur Elders’ home and supply of lunch, offer of lunch to those inmates at St. Joseph Elders’ home in Gurunagar, etc.