
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

28th April 2023 19:15:22 Hours

'Abimansala - 3' Celebrates its 9th Anniversary

The wellness resort, 'Abimansala - 3' at Pangolla celebrated its 9th anniversary giving pride of place to religious observances during a simple ceremony.

On the anniversary day (25 April) in accordance with military traditions, Brigadier P.K.G.C Pesqual Commandant, 'Abimansala-3' raised the Army flag and recited the Army song before he addressed the troops and residential War Heroes.

An overnight 'Pirith' chanting ceremony that got underway the same evening invoked blessings on resident War Heroes, their family members and serving the Army. The offer of 'Heel Daanaya' (breakfast) to the monks the following morning (26) culminated the anniversary arrangements.

Senior Officers, Officers, differently able War Heroes and Other Ranks participated in the events.