
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

22nd December 2022 21:18:31 Hours

64 Division Marks its Anniversary

The 64 Infantry Division HQ celebrated its 14th anniversary on 10 December at the Division HQ in Oddusudan with several events. The anniversary programmes began with a Bodhi Pooja, held at the shrine inside the 64 Division camp premises.

Subsequently, on the anniversary day, troops of the 64 Division organized a blood donation campaign at the HQ premises in co-operation with the Anuradapura Teaching Hospital where 130 troops donated blood.

On the anniversary Day (10 December) a ceremonial Guard Turnout was presented to the General Officer Commanding (GOC) the 64 Infantry Division, Major General Nissanka Iriyagama. It followed a Guard of Honuor. Transfer of merits to the fallen war heroes took place during another Pinkama at the shrine.

Later, the GOC addressed the troops. An all rank tea brought the anniversary segment to an end.