
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

09th July 2021 20:53:10 Hours

51 Division Troops Rid Dengue Breeding Spots in the Peninsula

511, 513 and 515 Brigade troops of the 51 Division HQ of the Security Force HQ-Jaffna on Saturday (3) carried out a series of ‘Shramadana’ cleaning campaigns inside religious places to keep the areas free from Dengue mosquitoes in the Jaffna peninsula.

This ‘Shramadana’ conducted on the instructions and guidance of the General Officer Commanding, 51 Division, Major General Deepal Pussella cleaned the compounds at St. John’s Baptist Church and St. Anthony’s Church in Periyavilan, Arulmilu Alurananadan Pullair Kovil premises in Kandarodai, Alakollai Pullair Kovil premises in Alaveddi and Shivan Kovil premises in Karainagar.

The full-day project was closely supervised by Brigadier Jude Fernando, Commander 511 Brigade, Brigadier Mohommed Fariz, Commander 513 Brigade and Brigadier Palitha Godellawaththa, Commander 515 Brigade in their respective areas.

Troops of the 10 Sri Lanka Artillery, 11 Sri Lanka Light Infantry, 9 Sri Lanka Light Infantry and 16 Gemunu Watch joined this ‘Shramadana’ programme respectively under strict health guidelines.