
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

07th June 2022 19:57:40 Hours

10 (V) CES Hands over 8000 kg of Organic Fertilizer to Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited

10 (v) troops of the Corps of Engineer Services (CES) on Monday (6) handed over 8000 kg of Army-processed organic fertilizer to the Company Warehouse of Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited (Lak Pohora) on Monday (6) at Sooriyawewa.

The 8 tonnage of organic fertilizer was processed by dedicated troops of 10 (V) CES under the guidance of the Commanding Officer of 10 (v) CES Major R.P.A Rohana.

Commanding officer of 10 (v) CES, Officers, Other Ranks and officers from Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited” (Lak Pohora) participated in the brief occasion.