
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

10th November 2022 19:45:00 Hours

10 SLNG Troops Mark Anniversary Giving Blood for Patients

10 Sri Lanka National Guard (SLNG) troops of the 144 Brigade under the 14 Division of the Security Force HQ-West on account of their 32nd Anniversary launched a blood donation project at Abinawaramaya temple in Akuregoda on Thursday (3) with the participation of 75 Army personnel.

The Central Blood Bank at Narahenpita with their medical officers and staff conducted the programme with the cooperation of the troops and the monks at the temple. A total of 75 soldiers of the 10 SLNG to mark their anniversary voluntarily offered blood during the arrangement as there exists a need for blood for patients in hospitals. The Commanding Officer, 10 SLNG supervised the project.

Brigade Commander, 144 Brigade, the Civil Affairs Officer of the 144 Brigade and the Commanding Officer of 10 Sri Lanka National Guard were present during the inauguration of the project.