
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Photo Stories

  • SLEME on Commander's Guidance Saves Millions for the Country

    2024-01-31 20:29:32

    SLEME on Commander's Guidance Saves Millions for the Country

    The Sri Lanka Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (SLEME) have made significant advancements in the maintenance and enhancement of the Army's vehicle fleet. In adherence to explicit directives from the Commander of the Army, SLEME recently incorporated ten fully renovated Mitsubishi Lancer CS - 1 as CS II along with Toyota Camry model car into the Army's fleet saving a large sum of foreign exchange for the country. Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army, this afternoon (31), personally inspected these vehicles at the Army Headquarters premises.

  • Commander of the Sri Lanka Army Creates New History

    2024-01-25 07:56:25

    Commander of the Sri Lanka Army Creates New History

    Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army, achieved the status of Military Paratrooper on 22 January 2024, through his profound expertise and knowledge in the military parachuting. The Commander's journey to become a Military Paratrooper took place at the Commando Regiment Training School (CRTS) in Kudaoya.

  • Army Troops Transform Galewela Public Ground

    2024-01-22 16:13:57

    Army Troops Transform Galewela Public Ground

    The newly renovated public ground in Galewela was officially handed over to the public in a simple ceremony on 21 January 2024. The event was graced by Hon. Pramitha Bandara Thennakoon, Acting Minister of Defence, Hon. Janaka Bandara Thennakon, Member of Parliament Matale District and Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army.

  • SLE 'Colours Night - 2024' Recognizes Outstanding Sports and Athletic Achievements

    2024-01-20 20:20:11

    SLE 'Colours Night - 2024' Recognizes Outstanding Sports and Athletic Achievements

    The Corps of Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE) held its prestigious 'Colours Night - 2024' ceremony at the Panagoda Army Gymnasium on Friday (19 January 2024). The event, graced by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest, aimed to recognize and commend the exceptional achievements of SLE sportsmen in various sports events.

  • Sri Lanka Army's Milestone with the Fifth Army Doctrinal Publication Launch

    2024-01-19 21:21:32

    Sri Lanka Army's Milestone with the Fifth Army Doctrinal Publication Launch

    The launch of the Army Doctrinal Publication at the Army Headquarters on Friday, (19 January), marked a significant moment in the Sri Lanka Army's progressive march, ushering in a new era for military training, education and staff work.

  • The Commander of the Army Provides Musical Instruments for MT/ Elwela Vidyalaya Band

    2024-01-16 19:33:23

    The Commander of the Army Provides Musical Instruments for MT/ Elwela Vidyalaya Band

    Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army, demonstrated his unwavering commitment to supporting education and the arts by generously donating musical instruments to the Western Band of MT/Elwela Vidyalaya, Ukuwela, Matale on 16 January. This act of patronage came in response to a request made by Mr. K.A.B.K.K Kodithuwakku, the Principal of MT/ Elwela Vidyalaya, Ukuwela, Matale.

  • May the Celebration of 'Thai Pongal' Bring Forth Abundant Wealth, Good Health, and Prosperity to You!

    2024-01-15 00:01:41

    May the Celebration of 'Thai Pongal' Bring Forth Abundant Wealth, Good Health, and Prosperity to You!

    Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, all Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and members of the civil staff, on this auspicious day of the Hindu faith, take this opportunity to wish all Hindu devotees who live harmoniously in Mother Lanka, a very happy 'Thai Pongal' festival.

  • Commando Course 51 E, F & G Passing-out Parade at CRTS Kudaoya

    2024-01-14 11:24:59

    Commando Course 51 E, F & G Passing-out Parade at CRTS Kudaoya

    The Passing-out Parade of Commando Course 51 E, F & G got underway at Commando Regiment Training School (CRTS) Kudaoya on Saturday (13). Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army graced the occasion as the Chief Guest at the invitation of the Colonel of the Regiment, Commando Regiment, Major General P.G.P.S Rathnayaka RWP RSP ndc.

  • Army Commander Visits War Heroes at ‘Mihindu Seth Medura’ with New Year Spirits

    2024-01-03 11:45:30

    Army Commander Visits War Heroes at ‘Mihindu Seth Medura’ with New Year Spirits

    The Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu visited battle-hardened War Heroes on Tuesday (02 Jan) at Attidiya ‘Mihindu Seth Medura’ to share his best wishes with them for the New Year - 2024.

  • Commander Wishes Best of Luck and Prosperity to All in The New Year - 2024

    2023-12-31 22:34:27

    Commander Wishes Best of Luck and Prosperity to All in The New Year - 2024

    Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army in his New Year message extends warm New Year - 2024 greetings to all in the Army and wishes best of luck and prosperity!