
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Photo Stories

  • Student Officers at OCDC Interact with Commander at AHQ

    2020-03-06 15:47:29

    Student Officers at OCDC Interact with Commander at AHQ

    A representative batch of undergraduates following the Unit Commanders’ Course (UCC) at Buttala Officer Career Development Centre (OCDC) this morning (6) as part of their training curriculum had the rare privilege of interacting with the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva and Principal Staff Officers (PSOs) at the Army Headquarters in order to acquire a better exposure and understanding on operational aspects of the country’s biggest organization.

  • ‘Thuru Mithuru - Nawa Ratak’ Phase - 3 Opens Public Utilities, Plants more Saplings & Beautifies Entire Area

    2020-03-03 12:53:34

    ‘Thuru Mithuru - Nawa Ratak’ Phase - 3 Opens Public Utilities, Plants more Saplings & Beautifies Entire Area

    Poised to present the public with a panoramic view over the surroundings, in close proximity to the new Army Headquarters, and also to transform the environment, more of people-friendly nature, troops of the Sri Lanka Army HQ under the close supervision and guidance of Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, the brainchild behind the implementation of the...

  • Warm Reception at SLLI RHQ Invites Commander to Open New Building Complex

    2020-03-02 19:06:44

    Warm Reception at SLLI RHQ Invites Commander to Open New Building Complex

    The oldest regiment in the Army, Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) and its Regimental Headquarters (RHQ) at Panagoda, further equipped their RHQ premises with opening of the much-needed 3-storied new building complex during a ceremony, held this morning (2).

  • Commander among Distinguished Guests to the Opening of the New Upcountry Meditation Complex

    2020-02-29 17:35:55

    Commander among Distinguished Guests to the Opening of the New Upcountry Meditation Complex

    The new Ududumbara ‘Samatha Vidarashana’ Meditation Centre complex, erected in scenic mountainous Udapitiwala terrain, off Ududumbara was vested in the Maha Sangha this morning (29) during a religious ceremony, graced by Most Ven Warakagoda Gnanaratanabhidhana Nayake Thera, Maha Nayake of Asgiriya Chapter, Most Ven Narampanawe Ananda Thera, Deputy Registrar for Asgiriya Chapter and Parivenadipathi for Asgiriya Pirivena...

  • Army Seva Vanitha & Commander’s Fund Jointly Provide Scholarships to Students of War Hero Families

    2020-02-27 06:42:58

    Army Seva Vanitha & Commander’s Fund Jointly Provide Scholarships to Students of War Hero Families

    The Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU), presided by Mrs Sujeewa Nelson while further expanding its welfare roles towards students in families of fallen War Heroes, disabled War Heroes, serving Army personnel and civil employees, provided a large chunk of incentives, worth more than Rs 3.5 million to achievers in Grade 5 scholarship....

  • Zambian Commander at AHQ Welcomed to a Red Carpet Reception

    2020-02-24 12:39:43

    Zambian Commander at AHQ Welcomed to a Red Carpet Reception

    The Zambian Republic’s Army Commander, Lieutenant General W.M Sikazwe psc DIP (DSS) MA (DSS), presently in Sri Lanka on a five-day long goodwill visit, enhancing bonds of bilateral goodwill, cooperation and understanding further between his and the Sri Lanka Army, arrived at the Army Headquarters this morning (24) to a red carpet welcome and called on...

  • Army to Build World’s First Eco-Friendly Palliative Care Hospital

    2020-02-22 19:17:43

    Army to Build World’s First Eco-Friendly Palliative Care Hospital

    Sri Lanka Army, the much-sought service provider in the country is slated to throw its technical expertise, engineering and work force behind the establishment of the world’s first eco-friendly Palliative Care Hospital in Sri Lanka at Anuradhapura where incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Cancer is relatively rampant after a request to this effect was extended to Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva.

  • “US Collective Ban on Commander & Family Reminds of Practice in Medieval Europe” - PM

    2020-02-19 19:09:37

    “US Collective Ban on Commander & Family Reminds of Practice in Medieval Europe” - PM

    Hon Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in a special statement released this afternoon (19) regarding the US Travel Ban on the Commander of the Army and his family attributes the US ban to “a collective punishment, reminiscent of the practice in medieval Europe,”...

  • Secy Defence, CDS & Service Commanders Join ‘CISM Day Run’ in Colombo

    2020-02-18 15:29:38

    Secy Defence, CDS & Service Commanders Join ‘CISM Day Run’ in Colombo

    A gathering of a few more than 250 tri-service personnel, headed by the Secretary Defence, Major General (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne, acting Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, Navy and Air Force Commanders this morning (18) took part in the globally conducted ‘CISM Day Run’ in Colombo.

  • Acting CDS & Commander in a Surprise Visit Evaluates SLAVF Development Projects

    2020-02-17 18:54:42

    Acting CDS & Commander in a Surprise Visit Evaluates SLAVF Development Projects

    The acting Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva with a view to evaluating the progress of the development in the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force Headquarters premises in Kosgama made a surprise visit to the place this morning (17) and had a close look. A drive-past Guard Turnout at the entrance honoured the visiting Army Chief on arrival in accordance with military traditions.