
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Tigers Demand Blood from Entrapped Civilians

MULLAITTIVU: ENTRAPPED civilians in the remaining swathe of land in the “No Fire Zone” (NFZ), have been forced to donate blood to Tigers (LTTE) at a makeshift hospital, said to be functioning close to the Pullair Kovil (Hindu Temple) in KOKKANAI in the “No Fire Zone”, civilians arriving in cleared areas have told Army troops.

Civilians have further confirmed Tigers after extracting blood from all of them exempt entrapped youngsters from conscripting them to fight the troops. Reports affirmed that a few hundreds of injured Tigers were being treated in this temporary hospital after injured terrorists are brought there.

Entrapped civilians in the NFZ, angered by LTTE’s arbitrary moves for blood have protested against the LTTE blood extraction and scolded them in public.

Similarly, forcible recruitment of entrapped civilians for the final LTTE battle was also strongly objected to by those civilians, inside the NFZ, the sources said.