
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

05th September 2016 21:29:19 Hours

Sri Lankan Troops in Lebanon Clean Environment

A contingent of five officers and thirty five other ranks, serving Lebanon-based Sri Lanka Force Protection Unit (SLFPU) of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) recently participated in a cleaning campaign along the beach close to the UNIFIL Headquarters, Naqoura as a community-oriented project. 

The beach, polluted with a heap of garbage and litter, left behind by people visiting the area, has remained unattended for weeks and was posing an environmental threat before the Sri Lankan troops undertook the project which spans a distance of about 1 km along the beach. 

Lebanon’s armed forces and representatives of Naqoura Municipal Council. Village Head in Naqoura and veterans in the area supported the project.