
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

16th March 2016 22:16:07 Hours

Mullaittivu Security Force Commander Visits 20 (V) GW

Major General P.U.S. Vithanage, Commander, Security Force Headquarters – Mullaittivu (SFHQ-MLT) made a formal visit to the 20 (Volunteer) Gemunu Watch  (GW) Headquarters on Monday (10).

On arrival, the visiting Security Force Commander was honoured in a formal Guard Turnout at the Battalion Headquarters premises after he was warmly welcomed by the Commanding Officer, Major M.A.A Bandara.

During the visit, the SF Commander planted a mango sapling to mark his visit to the 20 (V) GW Headquarters, followed by the customary troop address and an all rank tea.

Thereafter, the visiting Commander   took time off to share views with the General Officer Commanding of 68 Division, Commander, 592 Brigade and all GW Commanding Officers serving in different units under the SFHQ – MLT at the Officers’ Mess followed by a formal lunch.

Senior officers, officers and other ranks participated in the day’s events.